Total: 207
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Understanding Financial Responsibilities in Service Delivery: Supplementing not Supplanting

54 Views CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services

Florida took the intent of the WIOA and put Florida state statutes in place that emphasize partners working together for the success of students and youth with disabilities. Learn how Florida Vocational Rehabilitation operationalized a formal Interagency Agreement between the State Education Agency and Vocational Rehabilitation at the local level with schools and other partners to avoid duplication or supplanting of services to students with disabilities.

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Self-Determination Presenter Guide

This presenter guide is a set of resources for conducting a 1-hour professional development on teaching self-determination to students with disabilities. We welcome your feedback on their use. The PowerPoint cannot be edited to maintain the accuracy of the resources. Facilitator notes for each slide are included and provide guidance on how to use the additional materials assembled here for …

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Operationalizing Local Collaboration

60 Views CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Interagency Collaboration, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services, Training - Secondary Education

In this session, information is presented on the Transition Discoveries Initiative led by The George Washington University Interdisciplinary Secondary Transition Services Program, designed to collect data from youth, families, and stakeholders to drive a community-action planning process. The purpose is to identify priorities and strengths, and to engage youth, families, and stakeholders to improve transition practices.  

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Delivering Pre-ETS in Challenging Times

73 Views CBVI Sessions 2022, Training - Pre-Employment Transition Services

During this session, representatives from Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation and State Department of Education explore effective practices, resources, and strategies to support students with disabilities in accessing and engaging in Pre-Employment Transition Services and IDEA Secondary transition services and activities.