Total: 81
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Side By Side View: Transition Services

NTACT:C partners have developed this document to help compare and contrast the transition services requirements for Education, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), including Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act as amended by WIOA.  Organized by major parts of these laws, this document outlines how each entity addresses: Definitions of transition services Target …

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Indicator 13 Checklists

Originally developed by NSTTAC these checklists have been used to identify how IEPs meet minimum compliance with Indicator 13, the transition requirements of the IEP. These checklists have been developed to provide professional development to transition personnel . Indicator 13 states: “Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are …

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NTACT:C Levels of Technical Assistance

NTACT:C builds state agency capacity to: use data-based decision making processes strengthen interagency partnerships provide quality professional development and implement technical assistance (TA) supports. This technical assistance is in the form of universal, targeted, and intensive levels so that all students and youth with disabilities experience increased enrollment in: postsecondary education graduation credential attainment competitive integrated employment and community engagement. …

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Pre-Employment Transition Services Strategic Planning: A Collaborative Approach Webinar – Part 2

1262 Views OnDemand, Pre-Employment Transition Services, Secondary Education, VR Transition Services, Webinar

This training addresses the importance of collaboration with education, data sharing, and analyzing the impact of Pre-ETS programs and services. Idaho VR shares their experience implementing a strategic planning for evaluating Pre-ETS services, identifying what worked, challenges, and next steps.

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Article: Predictors of Postschool Success Research Base Update

This article published in Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals in 2020 outlines the authors’ systematic literature review to examine secondary transition research literature to support existing and identify new predictors of postschool success for students and youth with disabilities. Fourteen (14) existing predictors were supported and three (3) new predictors identified. Download the Article: Predictors of Postschool Success …

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Predictor Taxonomy Crosswalk

The Predictor Taxonomy Crosswalk embeds the predictors of post-school success within the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 framework areas. This crosswalk provides a resource for stakeholders who are using tools, such as the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0 and the Predictor Implementation Self-Assessment (PISA), to identify connections between services, skills, and programs to improve outcomes for students with youth with disabilities. …