Total: 11
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Opportunities for Collaboration: Vocational Rehabilitation and WIOA Youth Programs

449 Views OnDemand, Training, Training - Interagency Collaboration, Training - VR Transition, Webinar

Vocational Rehabilitation and the Dept. of Labor WIOA Youth address the ways these programs can work together to support youth and students with disabilities transition to post-secondary education and/or employment. It also outlines a print resource they have developed on the same subject.

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Creating Partnerships for Access and Equity for Students with Disabilities in CTE

1241 Views OnDemand, Training - Employment, Training - Secondary Education, Training - Transition Planning, Training - VR Transition, Webinar

A discussion around the importance of building State and Local Collaboration among Career and Technical Education (CTE), Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), and Special Education (SpEd) partners will be presented during this webinar.